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Kansas City Relocation Information and Concierge Orientation Program
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Our wide network of resources provides valuable information on who to trust when you need contractors, service providers, and lenders as you get to know your new community. We are glad to help you make connections and stay connected.
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Kansas City Relocation Information and Concierge Orientation Program
If you have questions about buying or selling your home, or if you are relocating to the Kansas City area, give us a call 913.599.6363 or send us an email.
We’re here to serve you!
The Rhodes
The Rhodes
L. Levasseur
L. Levasseur
The Woods
The Woods
The Pandinos
The Pandinos
- The Remijios
- The Remijios
Angie Culbertson
Angie Culbertson
Wanda Stoltenberg
Wanda Stoltenberg
Michele Rivera
Michele Rivera
Stacy Miller Clark
Stacy Miller Clark
Ron Nelson
Ron Nelson
Allison Bleything Kanakares
Allison Bleything Kanakares
The Ectons
The Ectons
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