The housing market seems to want to play the role of the triumphant underdog. Finishing another strong month in June, the Kansas City housing market is finding a stronger under footing in both number of sales and stronger sales prices as compared to last year.
Vendor Highlight: Unleashed Pet Rescue and Adoption
This month we are focusing on the charitable side of our preferred vendor list. Andrea Knobbe, volunteer at Unleashed Pet Rescue and Adoption shares with us how they are working to rescue pets all over the metro area and how you can become involved.
Great Cities, Great Homes: Seattle, WA
Group O’Dell belongs to the best referral network in North America and can refer you to great agents across the country and Canada. This month we are taking a glimpse at Seattle, WA with Kari Scott.
Save Money on Gas when You Travel
Although rising gas prices may have put your summer road trip on hold, there are ways to save money at the pump when you’re traveling.